No More Baby
Lorelai turned 2 on December 15 and as normal I'm late posting about it. I guess that's what I get for having a baby during the holiday season and I'm sure she won't let us forget about anytime soon!!!
She's our baby. She is the bright spot in my day and also the reason for my headaches. We love her so much. Jesse thinks she will have more natural ability when it comes to sports and I think she will be the one that pushes the limits all while giving us a smile that could melt anyone's heart. The next 16 or so years are going to be loooong=)
We no longer have a baby. We have two toddlers and are again entering into the terrible twos. Both girls keep us busy and we wouldn't have it any other way.The second attempt at a cake. It's actually brownies because we aren't big cake fans...and well I couldn't get the frosting to spread on the first attempt which was actually a cake.
I'm glad it looks like she's blowing out the candle, but I stepped in because I thought she was going to spit on it!!
Cousins Erin and Ben came early for Christmas and just in time for the party. They had a lot of play time together for the next few weeks.
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