Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ice Barn

We had an ice storm last week.
We've had at least one ice storm a year since Lorelai was born.
Three years of ice, falling branches, and flickering lights.
Thankfully the power didn't go out this time.

Our house looks like a barn.
No castle here, but I love it.
It still looks great. So pretty with all the ice and snow while we were tucked safe and warm inside.

Me + two toddlers + 2 bedroom house + 5 days = STRESS!!!!!
That's right.
We didn't leave the house for 5 days!!!
I was afraid one of us (me) wouldn't make it.
We all survived with only a few tears, lots of baking, and way to much TV.

The girls spent their week watching movies and helping Mommy bake.
It was a good excuse to haul out the sleeping bags and a good movie.

Our east window.
It was covered for days.

Our back door also faces the east.
It was a good thing we never use it.

Our big tree to the east of the house.
It didn't lose any limbs this year. YEAH!!

I thought the little tree to the left was going to come crashing down. It didn't.


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