Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ice Barn

We had an ice storm last week.
We've had at least one ice storm a year since Lorelai was born.
Three years of ice, falling branches, and flickering lights.
Thankfully the power didn't go out this time.

Our house looks like a barn.
No castle here, but I love it.
It still looks great. So pretty with all the ice and snow while we were tucked safe and warm inside.

Me + two toddlers + 2 bedroom house + 5 days = STRESS!!!!!
That's right.
We didn't leave the house for 5 days!!!
I was afraid one of us (me) wouldn't make it.
We all survived with only a few tears, lots of baking, and way to much TV.

The girls spent their week watching movies and helping Mommy bake.
It was a good excuse to haul out the sleeping bags and a good movie.

Our east window.
It was covered for days.

Our back door also faces the east.
It was a good thing we never use it.

Our big tree to the east of the house.
It didn't lose any limbs this year. YEAH!!

I thought the little tree to the left was going to come crashing down. It didn't.


Monday, January 18, 2010

New Look

I've been playing around with a new look. I hope you all like it. I'm still learning how things work. Anyone with any advise please feel free to share!!! I would like more pages (I think that is the term), but have no clue how to make the home, about, and all the other neat little things you could put up. I'm really enjoying this and hopefully everyone else enjoys the peak into my life. I love comments and am looking forward to making some new friends. Sometimes my life is boring and sometimes I'm overwhelmed. We'll see what tomorrow brings!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fingerprint Friday (OK, Saturday)

TheRustedChain - The Blog: "There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?"

Here is where I see them. Everyday.
They are a masterpiece. Mine and Jesse's.
We couldn't be more blessed.
*Head back to to see all other participants.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Budget, Budget, Budget...HELP!!!

So, lately I've been working on keeping costs low and have been cracking down on extra spending, but with the holidays that is so hard. I'm trying to get back on track; however, it is taking a lot of effort.

HELP!! If anyone can sent me some tips I would be so grateful. I need to lower the grocery bill, start saving more, and make sure that money makes it into the offering at church more often than not. Anything that would help me cut costs on anything or help me plan better would be great.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: recipes (easy and/or cheap), craft ideas for gifts (help save through the year on b-days and such), organizational tips, websites, products, and basically anything that has helped you keep costs low and kept you organized would be great.

I'm so overwhelmed getting back on track I would love ideas on how to even set a realistic budget!!!!

Thanks so much. I'll let you know how things are going and hopefully I will have some helpful hints to pass on once I get a chance to try them out.


Friday, January 8, 2010

No More Baby

Lorelai turned 2 on December 15 and as normal I'm late posting about it. I guess that's what I get for having a baby during the holiday season and I'm sure she won't let us forget about anytime soon!!!

She's our baby. She is the bright spot in my day and also the reason for my headaches. We love her so much. Jesse thinks she will have more natural ability when it comes to sports and I think she will be the one that pushes the limits all while giving us a smile that could melt anyone's heart. The next 16 or so years are going to be loooong=)

We no longer have a baby. We have two toddlers and are again entering into the terrible twos. Both girls keep us busy and we wouldn't have it any other way.

The second attempt at a cake. It's actually brownies because we aren't big cake fans...and well I couldn't get the frosting to spread on the first attempt which was actually a cake.
I'm glad it looks like she's blowing out the candle, but I stepped in because I thought she was going to spit on it!!Cousins Erin and Ben came early for Christmas and just in time for the party. They had a lot of play time together for the next few weeks.

Opening presents. Lili got 2 dolls. Just what she wanted only Kat took the doll and Lili spent all night playing with the diaper bag that came with the doll. Lili has since become a purse/bag girl and I can already see dollar signs adding up!! This is our Lili. Full of fun, silliness, and extremely ornery!!!
We love you Lorelai!!!


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