Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Budget, Budget, Budget...HELP!!!

So, lately I've been working on keeping costs low and have been cracking down on extra spending, but with the holidays that is so hard. I'm trying to get back on track; however, it is taking a lot of effort.

HELP!! If anyone can sent me some tips I would be so grateful. I need to lower the grocery bill, start saving more, and make sure that money makes it into the offering at church more often than not. Anything that would help me cut costs on anything or help me plan better would be great.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: recipes (easy and/or cheap), craft ideas for gifts (help save through the year on b-days and such), organizational tips, websites, products, and basically anything that has helped you keep costs low and kept you organized would be great.

I'm so overwhelmed getting back on track I would love ideas on how to even set a realistic budget!!!!

Thanks so much. I'll let you know how things are going and hopefully I will have some helpful hints to pass on once I get a chance to try them out.


Michele January 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM  

I feel you girl! We went to a one-income family a year ago and while that was to be temporary we have decided to keep me home full-time for awhile now.
Our credit card bill (which we always paid off each month) was around $1200! Now it is down to $400. We are actually saving money w/ me at home.
1. We STOPPED going out to eat. We ate out TONS!
2. I coupon like crazy! I watch sites like money saving mom (on my blog) for tips ideas and ways to save. Check your local grocery ads and plan your meals around those. I even end up w/ tons of name brand stuff to boot. It takes time, but build up a stock pile of stuff based on sales.
For instance I will buy like 10 bags of chips when they go on sale for $1.99 or less (reg. they are $2.5-3.00) Or I will buy 10# of meat when it is on sale and freeze. This way you have the things want but save in the LONG run.
3. Go through your pantry and actually cook stuff. I use to be notorious for buying things for dinner each week and then forget about it or just not make it. Therefore I was going to the store weekly buying more stuff to shove in the pantry. Plan menus write down what you have and use it. Get down to the bare bones before you go back to the store!
4. Stop going to the store. I don't know about you but every time I go to the store even if it is JUST for milk only I walk out spending $50+. Again plan ahead and try not to go to the store except 1x every 2 weeks or more. You will be amazed how much this alone saves! Learn to improvise your recipes to keep you out of the store. Today was my first day back in the grocery store since Dec 31! And I spent $95 and I have enough food besides a milk run :) to last us pretty close to the end of the month.
I am not perfect at it but I am getting better. Saving money takes time and effort. It doesn't just happen. There is nothing easy about it.
Ok well those are my ideas hope it helps!

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