Easter, Snow, and Preschool Stake-out
He IS Risen!!! Christ gave us the perfect example of love and this year it is more real to me than ever. I can't imagine more love than what I feel for my two little girls or even my husband and it is hard to understand that God loves me even more than I love them. God's love is perfect. He has given me the greatest gift "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not parish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. I have Hope in Him. I have Trust in Him. I have Life in Him. I am because of Him.
We had a perfect and busy Easter weekend. It was so wonderful to see family a
nd friends and to start feeling the relaxed pace of spring. Friday we went to see Jesse's cousins Mike and John. We use to see them all the time, but distance and jobs make it hard to get together very often. We had a fun time catching up. Lili really loved the attention and in the first 5 minutes even made it into the dog kennel!! She thought it was great and I thought "perfect size, hum..."!!!!
The girls looked extra cute Sunday in dresses and hats that Grandma Gail made them. I wish it had been warmer so they could have stayed in them longer. We hunted for Easter eggs as soon as we got the girls in warmer clothes (it was breezy and cool). The girls had so much fun and so did my mom. Their Easter baskets were overflowing and even Daddy got one (but not Mom!). As tradition we spent the afternoon at Grandma Ellen's house with Jesse's family. We ended the night with a huge fire to finish burning out the stump in the yard. It was a nice change for the evening and a perfect family time.
After the perfect weekend (not including the weather) we woke up to snow on Monday. It's April doesn't Mother Nature know that!!! I'm glad it stop by Monday night because this morning I had to be at the preschool at 5am to hopefully get Kat a spot in the 3 year old class. I wasn't the first one there (eight people were in front of me), but Kathryn has a spot for next year. There is only one preschool in town that offers preschool to 3 year olds and with only 12 spots and over 30 applications passed out we are lucky.
Well, that's what we've been doing. Hope you had a wonderful celebration of the resurrection of our Lord!!!! 

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