Cuter Than Most
LorelaiLorelai dancing
Lili likes books
Lorelai is our second born and lately I feel as though she misses out on a lot. Kat gets top billing most of the time and although I am a stickler for fairness it seems like Lili is still left out. I was also the second born with an older sister and two younger brothers so I know all about hand-me-downs and such.
Lorelai is the sweetest cutest baby. She is soft and cuddly, but she knows all this so at times it gets her in trouble!!! Lili has yet to talk... well, besides Da da. Oh, she jabbers all time and Kathryn just taught her how to scream. She just started dancing and is super cute moving her chubby little arms in the air and trying to shake her bum!!! Jesse says that I spoil her (I spoil both of them -just look at their room!!), but she is my baby.
I sent Kat off a lot while Lili is napping and Kat gets to do all these wonderful things with her Grandmas and Daddy and Lili sleeps through it all. I feel guilty that she doesn't get the one on one time with her dad and grandmas. The one time I sent her off with Dad his truck quit and he spent all afternoon trying to fix it with her screaming in the truck and THEN he ran her into a tree when they walked to get parts!!! Poor thing. I tell myself that she got Dad and Uncle Kevin all to herself, but I'm sure she doesn't remember that!
I know in the future I will struggle more. The girls are so close in age that it would be easy just to let Lili follow Kat, but know she should wait for most things. There will always be things that Kat gets that Lili doesn't, but I'm going to make sure that Lorelai gets a few things that Kathryn doesn't.
I love the girls dearly and am so thankful for both of them. I love that they are the same sometimes and extremely different at others. I wonder what the next few years will bring? Not sure that I'm ready!!!!!
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