Christmas 2010- 3 in 1
***side note - Mother's day to Christmas, I know. I want to give this a try again and see if I can stay caught up lol! So here we go again.
Tradition states that we go 3 places all on Christmas in a specific order.
Something had to give in the beginning because this woman wasn't waking up at 4 on Christmas just to fit in our own Christmas.
So, being the great mom I am, I had a nice chat with Santa and our house is his first stop Christmas Eve.
Santa always arrives while we're attending our Christmas Eve service and having supper at one of the only restaurants open in town, The Highway.
Normally Christmas Eve would be just as busy as Christmas Day, but Jesse had go into work for a few hours Christmas Eve and we didn't make it to see some of the family.
The girls were so happy that Santa finally came.
When Kat saw all the presents she said "I must of been good!" Kat loved all her presents.
Even the remote control that she didn't ask for. Lorelai asked for 2 things constantly.
She wanted a spiderman costume and a dog that walks.
She got both. The girls kept Daddy's present a secret since Black Friday.
He pretty much already knew.
We got him a Wii and a game to go with it.
Tradition is to start Christmas day at the in-laws.
It's a mad house, but so much fun.
Once you find a seat and wrapping paper starts flying you can't move.
We've been know to lose children in the mess.
We spend the afternoon at my mom's house.
This year we had our family Christmas a few weeks before when most of us could get together.
Wesley's family were the only ones there, but we still had a good time and ate way too much.
The nicknames that came from that day should stay with that day!!
We head to Grandma Ellen's on Christmas night.
More food, presents, and family time.
Oh, and did I mention food!!
We even had a white Christmas this year.
Only three hundred and some odd days to go!!
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