Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to...

That's right, today I turn 28.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Braggin' On My Baby

Sorry that I've been neglecting my blog.
I've been busy.
I was in Kansas all of last week, but more on that later.

I've been meaning to post these pictures for months now, but am just getting around to it.
My sister-in-law is starting her own photography business.
My girls get to be the guinea pigs which means great pictures at a reasonable price!!!
Madison has done such a wonderful job and each time the pictures get better and more creative.

Here's a look at some of Lorelai's last sitting.
She is such a doll.
Madison really captured her cute and ornery sides!!!!

I hope they brought you a smile like they do for me.
Thanks Madison!!!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tired...Just Tired

I'm tired.

Tired of telling the girls NO and having them do it anyway.

Tired of picking up mess after mess yet getting nothing done.

Tired of my husband being gone all the time.

Tired of having no friends.

Tired of no one understanding me.

Tired of trying to be a good mom and failing.

Tired of a house that's too small and too many toys.

Tired of stressing about the bills because I alone run the household budget.

Tired of always being tired because of my heart medication.

Tired of trying to live like Christ and failing.

Tired of feeling like my values and beliefs are from eras long ago and that no else seems think that they apply today.

Today I'm tired. Tomorrow I'll get something done. Pay the bills on time. Play with the girls. Things will be better tomorrow, but today I'm weary.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missing Daddy

The girls have been missing their Daddy lately.
Jesse has been working a lot of over time.
Kathryn told me yesterday "I miss Daddy" and the night before that she loudly stated "I want family time."
Me too.


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