Monday, August 17, 2009

Kat, Lili and Mommy too

In July Lorelai had tubes put in. We had been battling ear infections and then Lili stopped talking as much and some of the words she use to say she was no longer saying so we decided that is was time.

Lili looked so cute in the gown but it took me awhile to convince her that it was a pretty dress. She wasn't so sure.

She played happily before the surgery. We were worried when we were told no food or drink after midnight. She always gets a sippy first thing in the morning. She surprised us and did wonderful.

Goofing off before. Trying to keep her entertained and out of trouble.

Taking my baby. I had a hard time letting go and trusting that she would be okay. I had prayed for weeks, but is so hard to trust fully when it's your baby. I am learning.

This is the only picture of after which was at home. She threw a huge fit coming out of the anesthesia and I could barley hold her. This is after coming home and taking a couple hour nap. She was still so tired.

Well, Kat waited and waited and finally got to meet Suzie. Suzie McEntire Luchsinger is a wonderful singer and role model and I was so happy to be able to take Kat to see her and not have to worry about this concert being inappropriate. Suzie is, yes, Reba's sister and Kat sometimes gets them confused. We watch Reba on TV a lot (both the show and music videos). Suzie sings gospel music and does Cowboy Radio. She is truly a women of God and I have to say that I am happy that both her and Reba are some of Kat's favorite singers. They are wonderful women and I pray for their continued testament.

This is after Suzie sang just for Kat. 'My Kinda People' is Kat's favorite song and this year Suzie didn't sing it, but was kind enough to sing to her.

Suzie wanted to make sure we had a good picture and spent sometime talking to Kat.

As for me, I had a heart appointment last week and my heart is actually better. Praise God!! I went from a 3+ (high moderate) to a 2+ (mild moderate). We don't know what did it, but not having the stress of extra kids (daycare) is my guess. I have to go back in 6 months and if everything is the same or better then I will probably start going once a year. I have been worrying about the future and surgery, but it won't be anytime soon if things stay good.

Have so much more to post and will hopefully have more time this week.


Michele August 18, 2009 at 6:56 AM  

wow! A lot going on in your family! I am glad everyone is doing great! I had tubes put in my ears at about the same age as your Lili...flashback for me!
I am a HUGE fan of did I not know about her sister?!?! I am going to be looking her up now!
Good post! Glad your heart is doing better!!! PTL!

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