Finally...Some summer FUN!!!!
The start of the summer here in Iowa has been cool. Many days have been spent inside because of rain, cool temps, or muddy yards. Finally we have been able to spend some time outside and it so much easier to take the girls places with no jackets/coats and just head off for the evening.
Here's a picture of Lorelai playing from one of our many days inside.
Kat and Lili love eating Chinese because they get to see the fish so one evening off we went for some family time. And yes, the dirty guy in the background is Jesse!!!
Lili loooves to swing. This is at my in-laws. She spent a good 45 minutes in the swing before we could get her out so she could eat! Oh, and notice the boots. A gift from my aunts to Kat and now Lili loves them just as much as Kat did.
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