Merry Christmas...just a little late!
We have been so busy getting ready for the holidays. We went right from working on the house to getting out the tree and we haven't stopped since. Thanksgiving snuck up on us while we were still busy on the house. I only have a little trim and touch ups to finish. Everything got put away the week of Thanksgiving so we could get the decorations up for the holidays. Here's a look at a few of the things that had us running. I love being with the girls during the holidays. They wait with anticipation and even now Kat is asking for things for next Christmas. We were told repeatedly that she was good and Santa would bring her something!!
Christmas Eve evening at our house.
Christmas day my family was back at our house. My grandparents came up from Kansas a few days before to see my brothers new baby. Trinity was a month old on Christmas.
Christmas day evening is always spent at Jesse's Grandma Ellen's house. The girls love to play with their Papa and they spent the evening jumping on anyone that would let them.
Grandma Ellen's